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ETN DEMETER in the spotlight…again!

The EU Research Executive Agency selected DEMETER as the Marie Skłodowska Curie project to be featured in the REA 10th anniversary video. Gwen Bailey explains the importance of the DEMETER research for clean mobility in the EU.

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DEMETER e-motor featured in Dutch MM Milieumagazine

MM Milieumagazine, a Dutch monthly magazine that covers clean technologies, has published a feature article on the scarcity of (critical) metals (May 2019, 14-15). SIM² KU Leuven coordinator Peter Tom Jones provided his view on this crucial issue for Europe. ...

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Looking back on the DEMETER Concluding Symposium

On February 5-7, 2019, the DEMETER Concluding Symposium took place in Leuven. Around 70 experts from 38 organisations and 11 countries participated in the debate about the future of Electric Vehicles and the role of rare-earth permanent magnet phases and motors.

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