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S. Riaño obtains her PhD on Nd and Dy recovery

On May 12, 2017, Sofía Riaño obtained her PhD degree at KU Leuven in the framework of the MC-ITN EREAN project. Her PhD covers the “Recovery of Neodymium and Dysprosium from NdFeB Magnets using Ionic Liquid Technology”.

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The premise behind EU OPEN DOORS DAY is to show the public what exactly their tax euros are going toward. That is, the differing policy programs, non profit organizations, and scientific research being funded by the EU and its citizens. It ...

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Summer school: Digitizing the Circular Economy

Metallurgy is a key enabler of a circular economy. Its digitalization is the metallurgical Internet of Things. This the EIT summer school will illustrate some of these concepts with hands-on training (17-20/07 in Leuven).

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Electric-car revolution faces its biggest test

Are electric cars ready to stand on their own? If you took a spin down to the New York auto show and saw the $37,500 Chevy Bolt (electric) parked next to the strikingly similar $17,000 Chevy Cruze (gasoline), the answer ...

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Will EU produce rare earths from its own mines?

In 2013 the FP7 EURARE project was initiated with as goal to develop sustainable exploitation schemes for Europe’s rare-earth ore deposits. Recently, an overview article was published in the Johnson Matthey Technology Review.

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