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Yearly Archives: 2016

Policy Brief on need for continued CRM research

Prof. Koen Binnemans (General Coordinator of MC/MSCA ITN/ETN EREAN, DEMETER and REDMUD was invited to give a talk at the “Critical Raw Materials in Everyday Applications” workshop (Brussels, 26-27 September 2016) that was organised to bring Critical Raw Materials experts ...

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New review paper on the recycling of NdFeB magnets

In the framework of the EU FP7 MC-ITN EREAN project (European Rare Earth (Magnet) Recycling Network) a new review paper has been published on the recycling of NdFeB permanent magnets. For this paper the lead supervisors of TU Delft, University ...

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How many electric motors are in a Car?

AUTHOR: PRANSHU UPADHAYAY This question is quite analogous to “How many bones are there in a human body?”. As a human body cannot function without bones, a car needs many electric motors to operate several functions for it to drive ...

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An introduction of rare-earth nitride magnets

AUTHOR: XUAN XU The magnetic states of most rare-earth monopnictides have been known for decades; many of these studies were completed in the 1960s. The heavier pnictides were found to be antiferromagnetic, in contrast almost all the nitrides are ferromagnetic. ...

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International Conference on Electrical Machines

AUTHOR: ADOLFO GARCIA GONZALEZ This year the 22nd edition of the International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM took place in Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne is located at approximately 40 minutes from Geneva Airport by train and situated on the coast of ...

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13 PhD students selected for ETN SOCRATES

On 12 September 2016 the official recruitment event took place in Leuven for EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-ETN SOCRATES, a training network project on the zero-waste valorisation of low-grade, critical metal containing industrial process residues. From an initial list of 115 ...

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DEMETER Summer School 2016 took place in Leuven

Three days of lectures by experts in the field, posters by young researchers and a world wide networking while in Leuven. This informative summer school was socially highlighted by a pleasant event dinner, and fruitfully capped by a discussion session. ...

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Let’s discuss motors in Electric vehicles

AUTHOR: AMIT JHA The concept of electric vehicle first emerged in mid-19th century. However, with the development of internal combustion engine (ICE) technology, and lower price of oil, the fuel based vehicle became the more economical choice for consumer than ...

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Metals in balance on the market

AUTHOR: MARTINA OREFICE “Why should recycling be more convenient than primary production?” This the question that I received in the last DEMETER event asked by a mechanical engineer. I guess that if we ask the same question to people in ...

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