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Yearly Archives: 2018

A new association for the global REE industry

On March 29, 2018, the kick-off event for GloREIA took place in Brussels. GloREIA is to become a new, global association for the rare earth industry. To kickstart this association EIT RawMaterials provides financial support.

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Non-aqueous SX provides enhanced separations

In the framework of the ERC SOLCRIMET project KU Leuven researchers have found that replacement of water by ethylene glycol provides enhanced selectivity in the solvent extraction of transitions metals from rare earth elements.

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New paper on the effect of the diluent in REE SX

This new Hydrometallurgy paper by Kumar Batchu and Binnemans studies the effect of the diluent) on the solvent extraction of Nd using D2EHPA as extractant. Studied diluents varied from aliphatic, aliphatic-aromatic to aromatic.

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New PhD on cobalt & rare-earth solvent extraction

On March 9, 2018, Bieke Onghena (SIM² KU Leuven) obtained her PhD degree in Chemistry. She successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Ionic liquid solvent extraction (SX) for the recovery of rare earths (REEs) and cobalt (Co).

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Ionic liquid-based solvoleaching of NdFeB magnets

Ionic liquids (ILs) are widely studied to recover metals from ores or end-of-life products, but not above 100 °C and atmospheric pressure. Here the IL [Hbet][Tf2N] was used dry to leach NdFeB magnets and scrap at high temperature.

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Smartphones, geopolitics and a stubborn Belgian

Following the Social License to Operate Symposium in Leuven (Feb’ 21, 2018, Artefact), Dirk Draulans (a renowned science journalist), produced a three-page article for Knack, Flanders’ leading political (weekly) magazine.

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