Home / News / Open Position for a Professor in METAL RECOVERY FROM MINERAL FLOWS

Open Position for a Professor in METAL RECOVERY FROM MINERAL FLOWS

The Science, Engineering & Technology Group of KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Materials Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering, has a joint, full-time academic vacancy in the area of metal recovery from mineral flows. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record, a strong affinity with industrial applications, and with educational competence within the field of chemical engineering technology and analytical chemistry. ChEMaRTS is, as part of the Sustainable Engineering research group based at Group T Leuven Campus, embedded in the Faculty of Engineering Technology. Over the past few years, this faculty has systematically been given a high ranking for research and education quality by independent accreditation committees. The faculty has an extensive national and international network, in both the academic and business world. ChEMaRTS’s research focusses on the chemical aspects of energy and material recovery in thermal systems and is conducted in close collaboration with industry. Research topics include valorisation of mineral residues and chemical optimisation of waste incineration processes. This research group can build upon a solid research infrastructure, an extensive international network, connections with companies and non-profit organisations, a stable offer of highly talented PhD students and a supportive work environment.

For more information, please follow this link: https://www.kuleuven.be/jobs/55379961 


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