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DEMETER 3rd network-wide event

Our DEMETER 3rd network-wide event took place this time in Ljubljana and was organized by our Slovenian partners: JSI and Magneti. As usual, the event started with the WP meeting (on Monday 27th Feb 2017), a day filled with research information, updates and discussions – an overview on the S/T aspect of each ESR’s project. The dinner event was a typical Ljubljana experience. A nice walk in the little city to take the cable cars to the 15th century mighty medieval fortress, the Ljubljana castle! Beautiful setting, good food and pleasant company capped our 1st day!

The following day, while the Supervisory Board was having their meeting in order to monitor the progress of the DEMETER project, the fellows were following a relevant course on the “Art of writing scientific papers” followed by a lecture on “Gender issues in science”. After a remarkably tasty lunch that assembled all members of our team, the fellows went back to their soft-skills training and this time on “Personal career development and proposal writing” by Richard Wheeler. The perfect science & technology wrap up was a session with Paul McGuiness, the Godfather of the DEMETER project.

Wednesday 1st of March, a S/T training on “Microstructural investigations (SEM and TEM) on permanent magnets: challenges and capabilities” was scheduled till noon.
The cherry on the cake was the visit to Magneti.

Below are some pics of this week, so take a look and enjoy it with us!

DEMETER Ljubljana3rd23rd1


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